Changing Our Minds
8:00pm • Sunday, March 25 | Albany Twin Theatre
Thanks to all of the working professionals and first-time filmmakers from Albanyfor keeping community and communication alive! Filmmaker Q&A follows the screening.
Tribute to Albany Filmmaker Terry Lamb
Dana Nachman, The Final Show (Narrative, 10:00) A woman who has lived a long life full of love and loss has to decide, based on all that she has learned, who to take along to eternity. This gentle and hilarious comedy of the afterlife stars veteran comic actors Marion Ross (“Happy Days”) and Nancy Dussault.
Gary Weimberg & Catherine Ryan, My Love Affair with the Brain: The Life and Science of Dr. Marion Diamond (Documentary, 57:00) How can you not fall in love with a woman who carries around a preserved human brain inside a giant flowery hat box? This is the fascinating, charming, and empowering story of a pioneering neuroscientist whose work in brain plasticity and other areas changed the way we see ourselves.