SUBmissions closed for Albany FilmFest 2024!
Earlybird deadline: March 25, 2024
Regular deadline: April 25, 2024
Late deadline: June 25, 2024
Albany FilmFest, called by filmmakers “one of the best festival experiences I have had” and “an absolute gem of a festival" is an annual multicultural, multi-voiced celebration of independent short films from the San Francisco Bay Area and around the world. Our festival, now in its fourteenth year, welcomes submissions from filmmakers of all ages, encouraging conversation, community, and engagement between the filmmakers and our interested, enthusiastic film-goers.
The vision and voice of artists is essential to a vibrant society and world, and perhaps more than ever in these challenging times. Each year, we see fresh, original film submissions that reflect the zeitgeist, evoke engagement and conversation, empower connection, and entertain us with the wide-ranging mix of subject matter that reflects their makers’ passions. Our usual eclectic mix of drama, comedy, documentary, and animation embraces and explores the many and varied concerns of the world we live in: climate, communities in transition, visual arts, music, dance, the LGBT+ community, aging, social justice, and more.
In addition to cash awards for Best Short Film in 6 categories — documentary, narrative, animation, tiny movie, and two youth categories — all entered films are eligible for Best in Show and the Joseph Andre McCord award, presented to the best short film on themes of social justice and racial equity.
Albany FilmFest screens at Rialto Cinemas® Cerrito, just a few blocks away from Albany’s vibrant Solano Avenue business district. Albany, California, is home to friendly businesses, award-winning restaurants, and both funky and upscale bars. We're right next door to Berkeley, directly across from the Golden Gate Bridge, in the heart of food and wine country. Hope to see you there!
Albany FilmFest proudly accepts entries via, the world's best online submission platform. FilmFreeway offers free HD online screeners, unlimited video storage, digital press kits, and more. Click to submit on FilmFreeway.
Submission Categories
Comedy, drama, horror, sci-fi, mockumentary . . . Narrative films of virtually any genre qualify for this category. No music videos. Films must be no longer than 40 minutes.
Nonfiction films on any topic. Films must be no longer than 40 minutes.
All animation techniques, styles, genres, and subject matter qualify for this category. Films must be no longer than 40 minutes.
Any genre. Web shows are accepted but will be judged according to the parameters of this category. Films must be no longer than 5 minutes.
YOUTH, 6-12
A film in any of the above categories. You will be judged with your peers. NOTE: Filmmakers must be between the ages of 6 and 12. (30 minutes or less for all short films, 3 minutes or less for Tiny Movies)
A film in any of the above categories. You will be judged with your peers. NOTE: Filmmakers must be between the ages of 13 and 17, or high school senior.(30 minutes or less for all short films, 5 minutes or less for Tiny Movies)